- If you have received damaged items, incorrect products, or have not received your order after 30 days [excluding those marked as delivered by the carrier's website, such as USPS or Canada Post], you are eligible for a free replacement within 7 business days.
- If it has been more than 7 days since your delivery date, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer a replacement.
- Please note that all sales are final. If you receive a defective or incorrect item, or if your order has not arrived within 30 days [excluding items listed as delivered on the carrier's website, like USPS or Canada Post], we will process a replacement instead of issuing a refund.
Damaged Item
- A replacement order will be processed with the same shipping speed as your original item.
- To help us expedite this process, please send us three photos of the item you received from different angles.
- You won’t need to return the damaged item if a replacement is issued.
Incorrect Item
- An incorrect item received constitutes receiving a totally different item as shown on our website.
- Example 1 [Will be replaced]: You ordered a dress and you received a pair of shoes.
- Example 2 [Will be replaced]: You ordered lipstick and you received mascara.
- Example 3 [Will NOT be replaced]: You ordered a weighted plushie and you feel that it's not weighted.
- As a small business, we always strive in ensuring that the product information posted on our website is exhaustive of what a customer would need to help them decide if they want to proceed with their purchase.
- Example 4 [Will NOT be replaced]: You ordered a jacket in size large and you feel that you received a size small.
- As a small business, we always strive in ensuring that the product information posted on our website is exhaustive of what a customer would need to help them decide if they want to proceed with their purchase and not proceed with the order if they think our product is not the one they are looking for or does not meet their needs.
- A replacement order, with the same shipping speed that was used on your original item, will be created.
- Please send us three photos in different angles of the item you’ve received as it will help us expedite your replacement order.
- If a replacement order will be created, there is no need to send the incorrect item back to us.
Items Not Received After 30 Days
- Items not received after 30 days [excluding shipments that are showing delivered on the carrier's website, e.g., showing delivered in USPS or Canada Post] is eligible for a free replacement.
- A replacement order, with the same shipping speed that was used on your original item, will be created.
- If the delivery status of your tracking number is showing "delivered", please contact your local post office. Here's a list of our most common carriers.
- Please click here to know what tracking number should I give to my local post office.
If you require further assistance, submit a ticket here. We will respond within 48 hours.